Thursday, February 27, 2020

Health and Resources PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health and Resources - PowerPoint Presentation Example This is because of poor eating habit where people eat according to hunger and not diet, and inadequate physical exercise. Inadequate physical exercise enables the body to loose excess energy. This leads to obesity because the body metabolic activities get interfered with. Heart problems are usually associated with eating habits as mentioned earlier. Americans like a lot of meat and wheat products. These form excess fats in the body, which are carried by the transport medium (blood). Upon arriving in the heart, the fats get deposited on the coronary arteries blocking them. The pumping effect of the heart increases to clear the way, damaging the vessels. This causes heart problems like hypertension. Cubing this menace is now a responsibility of everyone in the country. The government has to create and disseminate information through accessible information media that will see citizens through this cruel pandemic. This research paper will explore the details of diabetes, its history, cau se, effects, treatment and control. Diabetes is a disease characterized by excess sugar in the blood, in addition to the in the urine. This is to say that, a diabetic patient has excess sugar in either urine or blood. They exist in two types; type 1 diabetes majorly found in children and type 2 diabetes affects adults. Sushruta, Arataeus, and Thomas Willis are among the first people to treat diabetes. Excess urination and sweet taste of urine were the only symptoms known until proved that the sweet taste was the taste of sugar, by Mathew Dobson. In the early discoveries of this disease, the patients received death sentence. In late 18th century, Johann Peter Frank differentiated between diabetes mellitus and diabetes inspidus. In the late 18th century, Von and his colleagues discovered that pancreas played a major role in the regulation of blood sugar. Insulin is a hormone secreted by pancreas. It reduces excess sugar from the body. Thompson was the first patient of diabetes to

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Overpopulation of Man O war causing reduced fish population Essay

Overpopulation of Man O war causing reduced fish population - Essay Example In the history of man, it has been known that he lived in practically any type of environment. There are those who lived in the wet lands; all they did was to reclaim the land thereby making them habitable. On the other hand, there are those who lived in the deserts; here too, they tried to make them a bit habitable. Man has even lived in the snow in the polar regions and just was the case with the men who lived in the other regions, here too, man tried making it more habitable (Joel, 2004). In the ensuing process of reclamation of the land or the ecosystem to suit the specifications of man, the environment suffers a great deal. The environment, whether very harsh or conducive, is home to other animals. Encroaching on these lands and making them habitable for humans inconveniences the rest of the animals a great deal. The inconvenience may result in the animals reacting in diverse ways; these could be as diverse as some of the animals dying in mass thereby resulting in extinction of species (Kevin, 1998). Man derives his food from his environment. This logical fact is responsible for the diversity that exists in men. Historically, there were esteemed hunters, gatherers, and even fishermen among others. Man depended on his environment more in the pre medieval times when the world was not as developed as it is today. This type of intense over dependencies resulted in more conflict between man and his environment; he never added any value to the ecosystem and to all that lived alongside with him. He tried to make his environment safer for his survival and this resulted in the death of those animals he deemed a threat to his peaceful life. To obtain food, he harvested plants and killed other animals. After making the environment safe and establishing food security for his family, it was eminent that man’s population would increase. Increase in the population of such a domineering animal only meant one thing, more resources would be reclaimed thus more other animals that had previously habited alongside him would be greatly inconvenienced. There would be increased demand for food; this meant that more of the other animals eaten by man would decrease in population. An increase in man’s population means increased demand for land which leads to the most basic need; habitation or accommodation. Consequently, more land is thus reclaimed. One other aspect of man’s life that was quite disastrous to the environment is his belief in ownership. He gets to an environment, grabs some huge junk of land and turns the land his with all that lives in it (Haynes, 2010). This claim of ownership gives him authority over all other animals and plants that live in the land. He is thus free to do with them as he so please even if it means cutting don the trees and killing the animals. The most basic food eaten by man in the history of man is fish, these are small aqua animals that are very rich in protein. This thus made them bearers of great po rtions of man’s implications on the environment. Fish replicates very fast, within five months, a fish is fully-grown and lays eggs, despite this rapid population growth, the fish in the terrestrial regions could not withstand the demand pressure that man laid on them (Thomas & Michael, 2001). The rate of increase of human’s population was alarming furthermore in the terrestrial regions, the commonly existing water bodies that were thus homes